
Professional Cloud DevOps Engineer

(1 customer review)


Candidates must recertify in order to maintain their certification status. Unless explicitly stated in the detailed exam descriptions, all Google Cloud certifications are valid for two years from the date of certification. Recertification is accomplished by retaking the exam during the recertification eligibility time period and achieving a passing score. You may attempt recertification starting 60 days prior to your certification expiration date.

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A Professional Cloud DevOps Engineer is responsible for efficient development operations that can balance service reliability and delivery speed. They are skilled at using Google Cloud to build software delivery pipelines, deploy and monitor services, and manage and learn from incidents.

This exam assesses your ability to:

  • Apply site reliability engineering principles to a service
  • Optimize service performance
  • Implement service monitoring strategies
  • Build and implement CI/CD pipelines for a service
  • Manage service incidents

Passing Professional Cloud DevOps Engineer  is very challenging. You must have through knowledge of all the components and services. This practice question bank have many questions based on certificate exam. When it comes to career decision, we recommend going for the best. Avoid searching here and there. Do not relay on unauthenticated practice questions. Thus avoid wasting time and money by taking a sincere decision.

Finally, thanks for choosing the best. NBCampus wish you all the best.


Professional Cloud DevOps Engineer










1 review for Professional Cloud DevOps Engineer

  1. erina watson

    All material at NBCampus is self-explanatory. The pdf was extremely useful in eliminating my doubts. Thanks for sharing this PDF, which is easily readable. I’m very satisfied with the contents. My current company granted me a promotion because of the certification. This site is something I’d recommend to anyone interested in knowing more about DevOps.

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